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Early adopter and technology evangelist Julia Allison took time from a busy punditry schedule for a rare update to her personal blog "And another thing..." yesterday. And then she posted another 33 times. One post's topic? Allison's frustration with Tumblr and its CEO, David Karp. The Fox Business News contributor wants Tumblr to become a "REAL company." Her words:

As much as I love Tumblr, I've gotten so frustrated with it that I very seriously considered going back to my slightly-more-difficult but-at-least-it-has-the-features-I-need Movable Type. I know, he's only 21, it's a startup, etc. But that's why David got VC dollars — to form a REAL company! To hire more people! To get enough servers, to make sure it's functioning properly!

(Photo by briansolis)