Please help us settle the contentious debate that rocked the Official Defamer American Idol Cattle Call Show Viewing Party last night: Was San Diego hopeful Alberto Hurtado actually the touchingly naive, peace-spreading angel descended from Heaven's gentlest hippie commune he claimed to be, wanting nothing more than to step "outside his walls" to share a message of love with Simon, Randy and Paula?

Or was he a devious and twisted performance artist, infiltrating Idol's inner sanctum under that tender guise in hopes of drawing Cowell close enough to hack away at the judge's eyes with those terrifying claws to make a statement about the show's obsession with the superficial? We may never get a satisfactory answer, as Hurtado's journey—whether motivated by tenderness or something more sinister—ended in that audition room, with Simon wisely remaining out of the reach of either the warm, life-affirming hugs or lacerating talon-swipes the just-dismissed contestant might have inflicted upon him. (Paula, however, did get to keep one of those amazing fans. Maybe he was an angel after all.)