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OK—our hyperventilating has died down to the point where we were able to learn some more details surrounding (can't believe we are typing this) Heath Ledger's death. The NY Times's City Room blog reports:

The actor Heath Ledger was found dead this afternoon in an apartment building at 421 Broome Street in SoHo, according to the New York City police. Mr. Ledger was 28.

At 3:31 p.m., a masseuse arrived at Apartment 5A in the building for an appointment with Mr. Ledger, the police said.

The masseuse was let in to the home by a housekeeper, who then knocked on the door of Mr. Ledger's bedroom. When no one answered, the housekeeper and the masseuse opened the bedroom and found Mr. Ledger unconscious. They shook him, but he did not respond. They immediately called the authorities. The police said they did not suspect foul play. Officials said pills fear found near the body.

Defamer associate editor Molly Friedman was just blocks away from his home when the news broke. She'll be posting her eyewitness account momentarily, along with some video taken at the scene.