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With no real news to blog about at Sundance, CNN entertainment producer Jennifer Wolfe decided to blog about, well, the comings and goings of celebrities. And it turns out that, except for the mittens and mukluks, there's not too much difference between the way celebrities behave in Los Angeles and how they act in Park City. Some celebrities have entourages. Some celebrities are nice. And, if the celebrity in question is Adrien Grenier, he tells little white lies in order to, we're guessing, free up more time in his busy schedule to blank the blank out of a snow bunny or two.

While it's always encouraging to hear that talented people like Stanley Tucci don't suck, our hearts are actually warmed considerably more by the thought that Grenier, our favorite card-carrying Democrat, blew off a scheduled interview to attend a competing film festival. Before, of course, an earnest round of blanking in his hotel room.