Defamer Hits The 'Cloverfield' Premiere

Last night was the premiere of Cloverfield on Paramount's lot, an event they were kind enough to invite us to. Without getting too deeply into the what and the how of it, we'll only say that the movie was the rare release to receive a unanimous thumbs up from Defamer HQ: short, slick, and ferociously sweet.
As for the premiere, a circular black carpet started at the Bronson Gate, then rounded the lot's now-famous headless Statue of Liberty replica, where stars from the casts of Lost, The Office, Heroes, Entourage, the Star Trek movie, and various basic cable realitainments were on hand to lend the evening their B-level glow. And then there was Lindsay. Oop! We've already given away too much. Our amateurish-in-execution-but-pure-of-intention gallery is accessible here, or by clicking any of the thumbnails below.