A Nervous Hollywood Asks: Where The Hell Is This DGA Deal Everyone Says Is On Its Way?

· Warner Brothers allows its options on the Justice League cast to lapse, putting the project on "indefinite hold," though the studio has assured its roster of mostly no-names that it still would eventually like to see what they all look like in their cute superhero costumes. [Variety]
· Like Monday's American Idol episode, last night's installment was down in the ratings from the show's 2007 season; still, the 30 million people who tuned in were more than enough to help Fox completely eviscerate its competition. [THR]
[After the jump: Hayden is a cheerleader 4ever, the DGA-deal waiting game, and WB layoffs begin!]
· Everyone is Hollywood is "on edge" (about as big an understatement as we've ever read—how about "doubled over due to gut-splitting tension"?) as they wonder: Where the hell is this imminent DGA deal with the studios that will either a) contain terms just good enough to lead the way to a new contract with the WGA or b) be so unfavorable to writers that the current labor war will continue until the Earth hurtles into the sun? Relief in the form of an official deal announcement may or may not come by the end of the week. [Variety]
· Moving to cement her typecasting as a cheerleader, indestructible Heroes pom-pom girl Hayden Panettiere is in negotiations to star in an adaptation of the novel I Love You, Beth Cooper as a teenage spirit-squadder. [THR]
· Fulfilling its promise to lighten up on staff during the strike, Warner Brothers lays off about three dozen facilities employees. They are, however "very sorry for the impact this has on our nonstriking work force." [THR]