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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted the possible next First Daughter (for her second time—how weird will that be?) at a gay bar.

In today's episode: Javier Bardem; Gary Oldman; Lindsay Lohan, Adrian Grenier, and Danny Masterson; Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman; Jesse Metcalfe; Kyle MacLachlan; Matthew Fox; Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale; Billy Baldwin; Minnie Driver; Chelsea Clinton; Paula Abdul; Chris Noth and Sarah Chalke; Moon Unit and Dweezil Zappa.

· Musing that I hadn't spotted a celeb since Richard E. Grant in Soho (London) the day before Thanksgiving (I know, it doesn't count), when I saw Javier Bardem, accompanied by an ND woman (only saw her from the back), eating what I assumed was the ubiquitous Pinkberry and walking along Abbott Kinney Blvd. Saturday (the 12th). V., v. hunky. Has a large cranium.

· Sunday afternoon, 1/13, Aroma Cafe on Tujunga. Along with all the
bitches (literally and figuratively) clogging up the joint was Gary Oldman, with a youngish woman, looking startlingly hot. I've always had a Gary thing but deee-ayum! Tall, stylish, excellent hair and all-around looking good. He can Rosencrantz my Guildenstern anytime. Sorry, I had to go there.

· Saw LiLo, with entourage in tow, exiting the Arclight last night (Jan 13). Pretty sure she watched THE ORPHANAGE as a similar size group shuffled in during the trailers. She was lighting up on her way out of the theater so I am guessing she didn't get the gig of spokesperson for Ariva, the smoking cessation lozenges.

· I had three celeb sightings at the Arclight Theatre last night,
Sunday the 13th:
1) Adrian Grenier, looking normal and looking for his friends.
2) Danny Masterson sporting a strike-beard and an "I'm so indie and hip 'cause I have a radio show" porkpie hat.
3) Lindsay Lohan. Yes, she was wearing leggings, shiny black ones (that actually looked spandex) with a big oversized blue t-shirt and a big black hoodie/sweatshirt/jacket (I didn't want to stare so I didn't get a good look. Also I was very busy trying not to laugh at the leggings).
I usually don't care about seeing the famous, but seeing Lilo in
leggings after reading the FUG girls complaining about how that's all she owns... well, it was too good not to pass on.

· Kaysu-Ya on Sunday, 01/13, Jesse Metcalfe with two male friends. Also, on Sunday, Danny DeVito & Rhea Perlman hiking with son (?) and dogs at Franklin Canyon Park.

· Saw Kyle MacLachlan with a table full of younger men at Ghengis Cohen Friday night. None of the guys could have been over 30 years old. As far as I'm aware, KM is straight, but it was enough to make you ponder the opposite. He looked adorably preppy in jeans and a polo.

· Jan 11 - Drove past Matthew Fox, who was stopped at the Holloway/LaCienega light in a Silver Mercedes M-Class. Even by himself in traffic, the guy's default expression is one of wide-eyed disdain for your stupidity. Oh, I guess my stupidity. But then, at least I have more than one friggin' expression in my repertoire. No Oscar wins in his future, methinks.

· It was a Star Sighting Sunday.

Heading west on Beverly just after brunch when I spotted an attractive, sunglass-covered blonde in the passenger seat of a black Range Rover behind me. She looked make-up free, but with a signature tartan plaid newsboy cap, there was no mistaking it was Gwen Stefani. I craned my head to get a look at the driver, and sure enough it was Gavin Rossdale in sunglasses and black thermal top. They were driving casually with all windows down to enjoy the amazing weekend weather. IMHO, they challenge Brangelina for best-looking-couple EVER.

Later that night at Century City mall, spotted Stephen Baldwin with a couple friend heading to the movies. He looks exactly as he does on Dirty Sexy Money. [Ed. note: They must have meant Billy Baldwin.] I expected messier/bloat-ier, but he looked pretty good.

· While shopping at the Hollywood Farmer's Market today (1/13), I spotted a woman walking with a purpose through the crowd with her son on her hip. It was none other than Gwen Stefani and Kingston with only one assistant nearby. She looked like a doll of herself with a ton of makeup on and her typical LAMB wear. I don't think she stopped for the woman from the Humane Society screaming at her to sign a petition.

· Saw Minnie Driver and friend getting a coffee at the Whole Foods on Fairfax. When they were in the checkout line, her friend commented on Josh Brolin's GQ cover. Minnie sounded very happy for her former fiance, noting, "This is all he's ever wanted, to get good roles and work with good directors."

· Sat 1/12 The Abbey Out with my fave faggle for brunch when we spotted former first kid Chelsea Clinton and a small entourage. Looked like she was with a geh or two, herself. She looked great! No stumping seen during her brief stop. She and her posse left in a giant pass van.

· Jan 14 - I just walked by Paula Abdul in front of a dance studio on Ventura in the SO. As I passed her, she literally started to cry and whine and looked all kinds of crazy. Best sighting ever.

· Sunday afternoon hiking Runyon Canyon, noticed a large, sweaty Chris Noth making his way downhill. Not a pretty sight. On my way out, I also passed Sarah Chalke from Scrubs (she's pretty, even without makeup) headed uphill.

· Saw Moon & Dweezil Zappa eating together - with their perspective kids and a few friends - at Canele in Atwater Village. Early Sunday night.