Once of the great tragedies of last night's decimated Golden Globes was being deprived of the opportunity to watch Entourage's Jeremy Piven, one of Hollywood's most enthusiastic awards recipients, take the stage and toe the always-difficult line between obligatory humility and "I so deserved this! This fucking show is nothing but four stoned jackasses high-fiving in a booth at Les Deux without Ari Gold!" self-aggrandizement

Instead, we had to settle for Dateline's pre-announcement-show interview with the eventual Best Supporting TV actor winner, during which Piven, answering a question about the ostensible burden of going through life having to hug out every bitch who wants a taste of Gold's iconic agent-embrace, reminds America that he was "lucky enough" to be the creator of the catchphrase; accordingly, he doesn't mind accepting the back-slapping love of his adoring public, although it does make him slightly uncomfortable when the celebration of his genius creeps into his house of worship.