Bill O'Reilly's crusade against NBC (the result of his feud with MSNBC runner Keith Olbermann) reached a dramatic and hilarious peak recently when he sent his correspondents to ambush GE Chairman Jeffrey Immelt. Because they used to sell airplane parts to Iran, you see! This is a target far greater in power and influence than O'Reilly's usual liberal bugbears, but it's certainly not unprecedented for certain TV rebels to attack the giant conglomerate. It's just that it usually happens on programs broadcast on GE's own network. Join us for a few entertaining examples, won't you?

The actual ambush in Bill's segment is woefully short, with the rest of the clip being given over to repetition of theoretically true conspiracies from a disgruntled former employee (in a journal published by M.I.T.), but it's nice to see O'Reilly using his personal vendettas to accidentally become Michael Moore.

Back in 1986, when GE first purchased RCA and, with it, NBC, then-NBC Late Night host David Letterman began a crusade against the corporation that would last through his move to CBS. Here's how to ambush corporate in a more entertaining fashion.

And, of course, Robert Smiegel's GE-destroying "Conspiracy Theory Rock", from a 1998 SNL. Legendarily—maybe apocryphally?—edited out of all future reruns. O'Reilly, being new to critiques of media ownership by disreputable corporations, borrows a bit of his argument from this cartoon.

It does all sort of make Rupert Murdoch's "I will do anything to broadcast professional wrestling to the Chinese" treachery seem a little small-time, doesn't it?

Bill O'Reilly's Goons Ambush GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt [Crooks and Liars]