What does David Patrick Columbia of New York Social Diary, a website that shares pics of the lives of the Tinsely Mortimer crowd, think of the growing income gap? He granted a rambling interview to BigThink, a "marketplace for idea-sharing, discussion between global thought leaders and the public" that's already interviewed luminaries such as Richard Branson and Ted Kennedy. His solution starts with the proclamation that, "A lot of people are just too rich." Like Donald Newhouse, one of Forbes' richest men, and the Rockefeller clan, presumably, all of whom have been lovingly chronicled on NYSD! He spirals into an anecdote about having dinner on the yacht of "a very, very rich man." The yacht in question was "big, huge... I think it was 300 feet or something like that. It was enormous." The video and transcript follow.

There are a lot of people who—they're just too rich. I mean, I remember several years ago I went to have dinner one night on the yacht of a very, very rich man. He has just built this big, huge... I think it was 300 feet or something like that. It was enormous; it was parked in New York Harbor, on the West Side.

And he gave a dinner party. As we were leaving the party, I hitched a ride in the taxi with a man who—he's now passed away—but he was a very successful, very well-known, and very wealthy businessman. And he was telling me that this particular man who owned this yacht was also very—he's still alive, but he was a very old man at the time—wanted to get in on another business deal.

He was talking about the business deal he was getting in on and he was saying, 'You know, the problem with these guys is they're just bored. Because actually, they have more money than they can spend even the income on. But they just want to make more money because it's something to do.'