As you've undoubtedly heard by now if your television set was tuned to a local newscast for any length of time last night (where the story received far more breaking coverage than did, say, the recent assassination of Benazir Bhutto—get a better publicist, turmoil-plagued Pakistan!) Johnny Grant, the Honorary Mayor of Hollywood who personally blessed hundred of gilded Walk of Fame stars as they were laid into Tinseltown's immortality-conferring stretch of filthy sidewalk, died Wednesday night.

As you might expect following the passing of any beloved head of state, there is no shortage of obituaries celebrating Grant's legacy, but we've found no post-mortem tribute more touching than this video elegy an obviously grief-stricken mourner offered up to the internets today. Once the Star Wars-inspired crawl fades and the music-accompanied montage of some of those memorable Walk of Fame moments kicks in, you will be moved.