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We don't think a certain, syndicated entertainment news program had succumbed to hyperbole when they recently dubbed Sex and the City: The Movie "the single most anticipated event in history"—the rapid decline of global civilization in the early aughts has been directly tied by many designer-footware academics to a lack of Sushi Samba-based cosmo klatsches since the show left the airwaves. Of course, that the reunion happened at all is a miracle, particularly when one considers that the more accommodating of the City quadrumvirate were given bonuses just for having been subjected to Kim Cattrall:

Not everything is sexy in the city. Sources tell Star that Kim Cattrall was such a diva to work with on the Sex and the City movie that her costars are getting a secret bonus for dealing with Kim's prima donna behavior.

An insider tells Star, "Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon are getting a 'hush-hush' bonus for not being divas during filming and as a thank-you for putting up with Kim."

While it may seem overgenerous to offer your stars a cash gift over and above a sizable salary merely for dealing with something as Hollywood-commonplace as a difficult castmate, sometimes an appreciative gift accompanied with a thoughtful note along the lines of, "This is for you to buy something nice and hopefully forget about that miserable bitch. Love, Your friends at SatC:tM!" is just the right grace note to secure their return should the movie warrant a sequel.