Not only has the producer of CGI-animated megahit Garfield offered the Berlin Zoo $5 million to turn the story of snuggly German superstar Knut The Tragically Rejected Polar Bear Cub into a family-friendly blockbuster, but he's dreaming big about casting the potential voiceover talent after being inspired by a certain celebrity toddler's recent visit to the animal's home: "I see the heartwarming relationship between Knut and his caretaker, Thomas Doerflein at the center of the movie ... Suri [Cruise] could speak the English voice of Knut." Though it would seem a natural fit to try and also attach Suri's proud stage father as the caretaker, the producer for now is limiting his casting ambitions to the youngest member of the Cruise clan because, "I think we all need to see how the public reacts to Tom's performance in Valkyrie before offering him another role as one of Germany's national heroes. If he can't pull off the Nazi-hunter gig convincingly, we don't want that tainting our Knut project." [People.com]