· Apropos of nothing save our own need to get the f'hell out of here (we have tuxedo fittings, noisemaker sound checks, and blind champagne testings to get to), we thought we'd rerun our personal favorite video of the year—QVC chicks getting down! We can only hope to party half as hard as the comfotunic-selling ladies of shop-at-home television did early in October.
· We bid three fond farewells to our departing Gawker comrades.
· Worker 3116 imagines what Alien Vs. Predator Vs. A Crowd of Fussygussy New Year's Eve Party Guests might sound like.
· "For Lease - Trendy Area - Not Here - This Clearly Not Trendy - We Know That - What We Look Like - Hick From Van Nuys" [via Franklin Ave]

· The most in-demand guest for late night's return is an MIT physics professor featured on the front page of the NY Times for the way he makes learning fun, but you can catch a preview of the advanced science hilarity with one of his lectures on YouTube.
· Oooh—one more list, this time a poll of the worst film performances of the year. Congratulations, Lindsay!
· Happy, happy New Year everyone. Here's a link to a round-up of all the goings on tonight originally posted on Friday, and a reminder that the Metro is running all night, every 20 minutes. We're off tomorrow, and will be back on Wednesday for another year of the regularly scheduled nonsense.
· And the final link of 2007...is...this!