• Are you interested in knowing about Barron Hilton's 16-year-old alleged love life? Are you going to be following the trials and tribulations of young Barron? Are you signing on for the long haul with him—the future inheritance intrigues, the nightclubs and arrests and girls and gay rumors and God-knows-whats? You may feel free to do so. On the other hand! Perhaps you will take a pass, permanently. Maybe the spirit of the Christmas season will encourage you to fund an emergency therapeutic intervention! This is your choose-your-own-adventure moment; if you want to invest in this latest narrative, click here. [Page Six]
  • This whole "Will Smith loves Hitler" B.S. hubbub? Someone needs to tell the gossips about the difference between the JDL, the fun and amazingly easily-affronted wingnut Jewish group, and the ADL, the far more sensible outfit of folks who get their panties in a twist over depictions of Jews. On Christmas eve, TMZ referred to the JDL as "a leading Jewish group" which is like calling—hmm, any analogy is going to get us hate mail for weeks! Moving on! [TMZ]