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When news first broke that Jamie Lynn Spears, the up-and-coming, 16-year-old sister to down-and-going, 26-year-old Britney Spears, had made up her mind and was keeping her baby, those looking for someone to blame instantly turned to Lynne Spears—a big-league stage mother seemingly incapable of keeping her litter in check. Now, the publisher of what was widely reported to have been a guide to good parenting authored by Lynne leaps to her defense, claiming the book was in fact a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of breeding children for fame—a subject on which Lynne is arguably the world's foremost expert:

"Extra" has learned that although Lynne Spears' parenting book has been postponed, the publishers announced today that she is still moving forward with the story. In addition, Thomas Nelson, Inc. is insisting that the book is not a manual on how to parent: It's a warning.

"From the onset, the media have inaccurately reported that Lynne Spears' book is a parenting book. I'm sure this helps fuel tabloid readership, but it's simply not true," said Michael S. Hyatt, president and CEO of Thomas Nelson. "Lynne's memoir will provide a window into the real-life world of fame and worldly success, including the toll it extracts from some who aspire to it. It will provide a much-needed corrective to a world obsessed with the wrong priorities."

He added, "We believe in redemption. Therefore, we are standing by Lynne and her family during this difficult time."

The book, What to Expect When the Teenage Daughter You Pimped Out to the Fame Machine After the Other One Stopped Talking to You is Expecting, should arrive on store shelves by Spring 2008, just in time for a new generation of budding pageant moms to learn how to avoid seeing their own aspiring National Tiny Miss Beauty crown wearers disqualified for sporting visible baby-bump during the swimwear competition.