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Thanks to Michael Jackson's new look, we got an answer to the question, "What would happen if a Jackie O. zombie and the hook-handed fisherman from I Know What You Did Last Summer had a secret love child who enjoyed smearing his face in honey and Corn Chex?" Now comes the answer to an even more confounding query: Why?

Michael Jackson has been forced to undergo emergency surgery after his lip burst and collapsed, according to reports.

A source said: "He was whacked in the face accidentally by his younger son Prince Michael II while playing around and part of Jackson's upper lip collapsed.

"That mishap led an hysterical Jacko to make a beeline for the plastic surgeon for a bit of quickie repair work."

Of the many scarifying memories experienced by young Blanket in his short life—worse even than being dangled from a German hotel balcony, or the time Jackson forced him to spend an entire day at the Magic Kingdom hiding inside a fluffy, cotton candy helmet—nothing will quite approach the moment he played a little too rough with his fragile parent, resulting in the boy standing back in helpless horror as he watched his father's face collapse to a seeping sound not unlike that of a deflating air mattress.