In all fairness, when the ladies of The View rendered their initial opinions on The Jamie Lynn Spears Knocking-Up Controversy yesterday, they'd had precious little time to sort through their thoughts on a very complicated and polarizing situation; under the circumstances, who can blame Sherri Shepherd for indulging her gut reaction by brandishing a steak knife and declaring that she'd like to "cut the evil bastard-making stick off the virginity-stealing heathen" that unexpectedly put Jamie Lynn in a family way?

Today, however, the co-hosts were better prepared to discuss dispassionately the implications of Spears' pregnancy, specifically what Nickelodeon should do about the problem with which their teen star has saddled them: Should they yank the show to teach kids that there are consequences to not being smart enough to use birth control before one's acting career is mature enough to withstand such a interruption? Or should they go forward with a pregnant lead, hoping that she won't inspire its impressionable viewers to beg their boyfriends for a cool baby bump like the one Zoey keeps clumsily trying to hide with her backpack? Let Whoopi, Joy, Barbara and Sherri help you make your own informed opinion on the matter; after all, that's what they're here for.