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The Lakota tribes are seceding from the US and maybe taking control of large swaths of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, according to "a delegation of Lakota leaders." That delegation includes nutty old Russell Means, who once campaigned for the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination (against RON "COLONEL BLIMP" PAUL) but perhaps is best well known for his role as vagina-expert Wandering Bear on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Means et al are withdrawing from all their treaties, though the only one the US still recognizes are the ones taking away the rights and land granted them by previous treaties. Also: no taxes! This blogger thinks the whole thing is a bad idea because, among other reasons, "those treaties have also kept the US from bringing military action against the tribes." News to Sitting Bull!

Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US [AFP]
Lakota Indians unilaterally withdraw from treaties with US, declare independent & sovereign country [Hoodathunk via BuzzFeed]