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Step aside, Lindsay, you're not the only rumored lesbian jockeying for headlines these days. Queen Latifah, best known for her hugely successful acting career among film fans, and best known for the song "U.N.I.T.Y." in the apartment where this blog post is being typed, will be the latest celebrity spokeswoman for Jenny Craig:

"We officially confirm that Queen Latifah will join the Jenny Craig program in January," Scott Parker, Jenny Craig's vice president of marketing, tells PEOPLE.

"We are thrilled to have Queen Latifah support our mission of improving health by taking her first step toward achieving a more healthful lifestyle."

The showbiz heavy (no pun intended...ah, who are we kidding), will "communicate the importance of how small lifestyle changes, in the areas of diet and exercise, can have positive effects on overall health." (Money saving tip from your friends at Defamer: you can learn this for free in a junior high biology class.)