Hot Hack Begs Guv Ed For Help

'COP-SLUG' ANGER-WOMAN Alycia Lane's jail phone call was made to Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. Why? Because he is a very influential person who would assist her in getting her side of the story out, not so that he could try to spring her from jail! All good journalists know that the best way to get a story out is by going through a politician, so that he can tell some journalists about it. Like Governor Ed did morning, when he called up a Philly morning show to explain that the whole thing has been a misunderstanding.
Rendell's defense was kind of half-hearted. He noted that there were six other witnesses to the incident whose stories haven't been heard yet. Perhaps one of them will finally settle the "fucking dyke" versus "dyke bitch" debate!
"Does trouble seem to find her?" he asked. "Yeah, from what little I know about her entire life, she's had some difficult times, and I can guess you can say some of them were of her own making.
"But I think she is a very decent person," he said, giving her community service and police fundraisers a plug.
So she doesn't hate cops, just gal cops.
CBS3 hasn't fired her yet, but their people don't sound too confident that she'll be back.
Official Will Not Confirm Lane's Return To Newscast [The Bulletin]
Rendell calls radio show about Lane []
Photos: Philadelphia Will Do