We've heard much about how SWAT teams of WGA picketers have shut down a number of location shoots around town, but as we can't move further than three feet from our computer before our electric collar cripples us with a painful, bowel-loosening jolt, we haven't had the opportunity to see one in action. A member of the group that forced the closure of a shoot for ABC's October Road on Thursday has posted a YouTube video of their successful set disruption, claiming that a mere five minutes of chanting was needed to send the crew—some supportive, some decidedly less so—packing for the day.

Somewhat disappointingly, there's no footage of cast members like Tom Berenger or Laura Prepon making sympathetic pizza deliveries to the protesting writers, perhaps indicating that the strike has dragged on so long no one can be bothered to take an easy, solidarity-promoting photo-op anymore.