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The chemical explosion or fire or what have you at News Corp.'s midtown office building "is now under control," according to reported announcements from the city's Office of Emergency Management. "There are no safety concerns at this point," reads an email to employees of a neighboring building, detailing OEM's report. "All the evacuated floors in the impacted facility are once again populated. Incident closed." Is that the same as saying "conversation over"? Because we're still kind of wondering what someone was doing stirring around 30 gallons of "unidentified utility chemicals" in the first place.

J/ORMG_BCPD/CRMDA/HQ_for_the_Americas/BTMNA 12/17/2007 01:48 PM To Grp_NYandNJ_Staff_Only_Email

Closing update: MN HAZMAT-CHEMICAL

Office of Emergency Management (OEM) reported that the event is now under
control. The event was caused by the mixing of unidentified utility chemicals on a
maintenance floor. Additional chemical sampling is ongoing, but there are
no safety concerns at this point. All the evacuated floors in the impacted
facility are once again populated.
Incident closed.

Operational Risk Management Department
Business Continuity Planning