Sung to the tune of "Santa Baby," "VC Baby" tells the tale of an entrepreneur wishing for attention of the financial kind. Play the clip, and then read on to find out the surprising songster behind this little number.

While it looks like comely lifecaster Justine Ezarik, better known as iJustine, who's head over heels for her VC, she's merely lipsynching. The real siren of the piece is Randi Jayne (née Zuckerberg, and yes, she's the Facebook guy's sister) who sings the sultry lyrics. Jayne's fiancé is a VC with Shasta Ventures who served, she says, as her inspiration. Even if this clip, produced by Kevin Rose's Revision3, doesn't approach the level of popularity reached by "Valleyfreude" or the iPhone parody, it's sure to inspire at least one new Valley pickup line: "You can sit on my board anytime."