Even though she's far too young to have experienced the early-1980s TV adventures of fashionably hirsute, Members Only-sponsored freedom fighter David Hasselhoff and his wisecracking—-but fiercely loyal!—Trans Am during Knight Rider's original, blockbuster run, we still dispatched Defamer videographer Molly McAleer to NBC's Burbank headquarters for today's event announcing the February premiere of the two-hour Rider movie they hope will relaunch the franchise into another series, figuring that she's squarely in the demographic their newfangled primetime product is targeting.

Above is her video report from the scene; disappointingly, next-generation KITT voiceover-supplier Will Arnett (this is easily the best voice-casting since Owen Wilson's spirit was trapped inside the motorcycle in Heat Vision and Jack) was not on hand to amuse the press with the one-liners they'll soon hear delivered by the movie's sardonic Ford Mustang. Still, many of those laughs were replaced when a driverless KITT screeched to a halt in front of the assembled reporters and popped his trunk to reveal bound-and-gagged special guest star Hasselhoff, whom a publicist explained crashed the event without an invitation.