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The definitions of "facebook" submitted to Merriam-Webster are limited to logging in, viewing a profile, searching for a profile, and friending someone. But "facebook," as a word, is nearly as polymorphous as "smurf". We can think of several additional activities which the word describes far more accurately.

1. facebook (v.t.): to stalk an individual using the site's networks and other features.
I found out that girl I met at the party last week is in the Stanford network, and I've been facebooking her ever since.

2. facebook (v.t.): to reveal someone's purchasing habits using Facebook's Beacon advertising platform.
Damn, my girlfriend discovered how cheap I was this Christmas when I was facebooked by

3. facebook (v.t.): to expose an employee's lie by finding a posting on a social network.
I was facebooked this morning by the boss because of that stupid picture from the Halloween party last night.

4. facebook (v.i., usually passive): to be overwhelmed with numerous news feeds, messages, and requests on the social network.
Sorry, I didn't respond to your email but I'm facebooked.

5. facebook (v.i., usually passive): to hit the limit of friends allowed on Facebook.
Scoble said he would add me as his friend, but he's already facebooked.

6. facebook (v.t.): to apologize while not really meaning it.
Boy, Zuckerberg really facebooked that one.