In a morning that's been filled with disappointment, incredible tragedy, and the setting of a citywide gloom unlikely to lift before the new year, we've barely resisting the urge to turn off the internets and crawl back into bed, waiting for someone to wake us around Groundhog Day. (Don't worry—an intern is on the way over to Defamer HQ with a Paxil-and-Grey Goose cocktail that should brighten up our moods considerably.)

Even though the above clip of Tenacious D's performance at Friday's WGA rally outside American Idol Death Star fabricators Fremantle Media now just reminds us of the final moments before the studio nuked the latest round of talks in distressingly predictable fashion (picket signs depicting Nick Counter stealing Christmas presents as adorable, doe-eyed tykes watch in horror should start to appear shortly), it still manages to make us smile a little. And for those who find themselves with plenty of time to kill now that there are few, if any, calls to roll, the full version of their set is here.