The name is "Fark," have you farking heard of it?

Gadget reviewer David Pogue of the New York Times has run so short of ideas that he's recycling a decade-old idea: Criticizing the absurdity of today's Web 2.0 domain names. But in rehashing what everyone else already knew, Pogue reveals just how far behind he is. "These are all actual Web sites that have hit the Web in the last year or so: Doostang. Wufoo. Bliin. Thoof. Bebo. Meebo. Meemo. Kudit. Raketu. Etelos. Iyogi. Oyogi. Qoop. Fark. Kijiji. Zixxo. Zoogmo." Fark? Last year or so? Drew Curtis's as a collection of interesting headlines has been around since at least 1999.
Pogue, holed up in Connecticut, proves as out of touch as those wraparound-sunglassed hipsters who never seem to leave SoMa. The cheeky news site — based in Lexington, Kentucky, not San Francisco — has had its own Jeopardy category and is featured annually in Reader's Digest. The popular site's name was originally meaningless nonsense, sure, but it has come to mean the "crap," as Curtis puts it in his new book, that fills so much of the mass media.
By including Fark in a list that could otherwise go on without end, Pogue reveals how little he knows about Internet culture. Or maybe he's just hoping to attract some traffic from enraged Farkers. Too bad Fark users' informal rules forbid links to the New York Times.
Update: After multiple readers commented on the inclusion of Fark in the list, Pogue has conceded his error.