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The sprouting of a new relationship is always a precarious matter, so it's with a measure of reluctance that we pass along news that Top Chef runner-up Dale Levitski has found in Project Runway's Jack Mackenroth a comrade-in-hunky-arms—someone to curl up with on a bearskin rug on cold winter nights and exchange Padma/Heidi horror stories. Having unwittingly signed a contract that forced them to disclose every intra-network sexual liaison from now until death, Bravo's even-gayer internet arm (if one could even conceive of such a thing) has the saucy scoop:

We picked up the phone and called Jack, who had this to say:

"It's very baby steps. I really like him a lot. And geography is a bit of an issue, but we'll see where it goes. I like him a lot. I assume he likes me a lot. Unless he's lying...(laughter)... He's adorable. I like keeping it incestuous, keep it in the Bravo family."

SO we immediately had to call Dale, who told us,

"Yeah, we randomly met over Myspace. And then we bumped into each other at the OUT100 party and clicked. He's hilarious. We're just gonna roll with it and see what happens. And he's cute as %&#;@. We have the same sense of humor. We giggle a lot, and you know, anytime you end up going through the Bravo-reality-show...we just looked at each other and said, 'yeah...'"

As Bravo's executive yenta Andy Cohen kvells until his head explodes from all the cross-promotional love in the air this Chrismukkah, let's take a moment to remember the millions of single Gays (and lightly delusional hags), whose weekly rendezvous with either of the two Fantasy Boyfriend templates—Dale (bearishly Semitic with a touch-of-danger mohawk), and Jack (WASPy, gymtastic body, with a touch-of-danger elbow tattoo)—was the closest thing any of them had to an intimate relationship. Still, that photo is the cutest thing we've seen since injured baby hedgehogs, rendering us incapable of wishing the two anything but many happy years and Chinese girl babies together.