The NY Times Gets Madonna's Husband Out Of the House For A While

Briefly enticing the occasional director of hyperkinetic gangster flicks away from the time-consuming responsibility of making sure that his wife's orphan acquisitions aren't repossessed by any disillusioned biological family members while she's out shopping with the promise of some cocktails at the Sunset Marquis bar, the Sunday NY Times spent a fascinating "Night Out With" Madonna househusband Guy Ritchie, an encounter which began with Ritchie demonstrating his martial arts skills to an impressed reporter:
GUY RITCHIE'S face was balloon red, as a muscular man with shoulders a refrigerator's width apart sat on top of him and pinned him to the floor.
The match, part of a jujitsu class in Beverly Hills, appeared finished, but suddenly Mr. Ritchie, 39, dressed in a short tied robe and striped Adidas pants, hooked his toes inside the armpit of his opponents jacket, rolled the giant man over and held him to the floor with a foot against his neck.
"What's so great about this," Mr. Ritchie said later, "is that with the right technique, the little guy can overpower someone bigger than himself."
Following his technical mastery of his burlier, physically imposing grappling partner, Ritchie disappeared to the showers to freshen up for his drink date with the Times scribe. Once he was safely out of sight, however, the defeated combatant pulled aside the reporter and explained, "Look, you can't put this in your article, but Madonna pays us a thousand bucks each time we take a dive. Two if we scream like he's hurting us. She says it's important that he gets to taste victory once in a while, because at home, you know, it's kind of hard to win a fight with the person who's putting the English manor roof over your head."