Hugh Macleod pisses in Mark Zuckerberg's soup

Hugh Macleod continues to explore the pollution of Mark Zuckerberg's $15 billion Valley wunderkind Facebook with his latest Web cartoon and blog post. But the expression "a picture is worth a thousand words" doesn't apply here.
Calling Mark Zuckerberg a "fucking genius" and now telling him to "fuck off" suggests Macleod is out of ideas. The gratuitous profanity draws attention away from his more thoughtful blog commentary. His latest point isn't new but worth noting: it would be trivial for the social network to introduce better controls on silly invitations and games, but Facebook, with traffic and user numbers still booming, has little motivation to change its ways. Traffic has more value, at the moment, than user satisfaction. It's a good point. Too bad the cartoon he drew misses it. We wish Macleod had illustrated, instead, his newest law of social networks: "If you piss in the soup for long enough, eventually it stops tasting like soup."