Greenpeace hates Nintendo more than Apple

Greenpeace has found a couple of new targets in its latest "Guide to Greener Electronics": Microsoft and Nintendo. Particularly Nintendo, which scored the first perfect zero rating. The environmentalist group, once remembered for facing down fisherman armed with machine guns with rubber dinghies and rainbow flags to save the lives of endangered whales, has been hanging on to its diminishing relevance by attacking Apple for more than a year. The manufactured notoriety has backfired. Steve Jobs tore apart Greenpeace's charges in an open letter. Critics have savaged the organization's Electronics Guides as arbitrary and unscientific. So how is Greenpeace to remain relevant?
It's a sensible game plan. Apple has proven too tough a target. So now, Greenpeace has started tracking a few more companies. Highly notable companies with staunch defenders who will give the nonprofit some attention by ranting and raving about its charges, but who will be, hopefully, less defensive than Apple's Web warriors. Hence, Microsoft and Nintendo are now the worst polluters in the eyes of Greenpeace. Fanboys vs. environmental fanatics: We look forward to this deeply cynical battle. May the most outlandish argument win.