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In the grand Disney movie "subliminally embedded filth or regrettable accident?" tradition of The Little Mermaid's Aroused Minister (in which a bony knee looks a lot like an erection) and Aladdin's "Good teenagers, take off your clothes," investigates rumors of an F-bomb being dropped in their latest PG-rated insta-classic, Enchanted:

[I]t happens when the bus driver exits the bus. Listen closely. Someone with a new york accent appears to shout the F-word.

So did you hear it? Isn't that crazy? How sure are you?

[B]ecause the New Yorker in question doesn't actually say:

"Get the F*CK out of there!"

Listen again, one more time, and you will find that he actually says

"Get that BUS out of there".

We direct you now to to examine the scene in question, and decide for yourselves whether the phrase uttered by an anonymous voiceover thespian specializing in disgruntled New Yorkers was innocuously referring to the "steel beast" vanquished by Prince Edwards, or instead offers a distressing indication of just how far family films are now willing to go in pandering to parents forced to sit with their kids through a fractured fairy tale instead of the screening of No Country For Old Men in the theater next door.