Esther Haynes' Page Six magazine hagiography of former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein mostly treads familiar territory of the cat-loving, "extremely tall" 'Toos's meteoric rise. Once more, we follow her Kittiness from Barnard to Cosmo to CosmoGirl to EIC of Seventeen, where she stepped down "at the top of her game" last fall, in order to bring "more than a million girls" her "sometimes ridiculous yet compelling series of neoinspirational videos." Yes, yes, we know! But where is it all leading? "The Alpha Kitty business plan that she is fleshing out might be a 'game changer,' she says." Um, ok! Also, she's "producing a new secret 'project' at The Box nightclub," clanging that establishment's overness-knell more loudly than any rape charge ever could. More to the point, though, what finally enabled her 'Toosness to become a symbol and a role model for the "professional women in New York" who've "started opening up to her and admitting they, too, would like to get out"?

Atoosa watched the film 'Million Dollar Baby,' "At the end, Hilary Swank is on resuscitators and asking them to unplug her. She was like, I don't need to live anymore. Everything I wanted to accomplish, I've already accomplished," Atoosa says. "And I sort of felt like that. All my energy had been going toward work and not my home life. It just wasn't fun anymore."

Soon after that, her husband (whom she'd met at party in 1995) had a really lucrative day at work. "He said to me, 'You know, you don't have to do this.' Because I was so unhappy at my job." That clinched it for her.

"So many people in my life have left their jobs since I left mine, because what they saw was that you can leave," the 'Toos trumpets. And, well, sure you can! And you can still live in a $3.05 million apartment just like the 'Toos, too! Just make sure to check first to make sure you're married to an i-banker.