Watching TeXtra host Natali Del Conte make mistakes is more fun than watching most telecasters get it right. Here's Volume 2 of NDC Bloopers. No armpit farts this time, but the scream at 1:21 is going into my next remix. After the jump, a bunch of Natali stats perfect for starting a Wikipedia page — just saying.

  • Her sister Linzi's nickname for Natali: "Factoid." After lunch with her yesterday, we totally get that.
  • Natali was on Romper Room in 1984, same year she was Little Miss Pathfinder in Fremont, CA.
  • She's part Puerto Rican, part Hawaiian, and part Italian.
  • Linzi, a Redken-trained stylist, does her hair for the show. Wardobe? No, that's Natali.
  • Master's degree in sociology from USC '04 with an emphasis in (duh) mass media.
  • Natali writes her own scripts. Unlike some other videobloggers we could name.
  • I didn't ask if she has a bf or a gf or anything.
  • Natali and Jason Calacanis's bulldogs never appear on the same Web page, because scientific theory says the resulting cute overload might cause the universe to collapse and flip over into an ass-backwards version of reality. Another theory states that this has already happened.