· Not to be outdone by SNL colleague Fred "Roger Trevanti" Armisen's strike video, Will Forte and Kristen Wiig demonstrate the many exciting, non-writing uses for the pencils WGA members put down 17 days ago.
· Those strike-related ads in the trades just keep getting nastier and more confrontational, don't they?
· We would've accepted "because that's what eventually happens when you give a trampy 17-year-old millions of dollars" as a reason for why Britney Spears' life has become such a mess, but Dr. Drew has a more detailed theory.
· Ernest Borgnine: still alive. Who knew? It's an early Christmas miracle!
· Because there's no such animal as the "holiday weekend" in the Gawker Media zoo, we'll be here on Friday morning for a half-day of posting before indulging our suicidal impulse to join the Black Friday mob at the Beverly Center, where we will likely die in the mindless pursuit of post-Thanksgiving bargains. Happy Turkey Day, friends!