Somebody bleach Saul Hansell's hair and hand him some eyeliner. He wants you to LEAVE JEFF BEZOS ALONE! After shoppers and a few gadget reviewers slammed Bezos's latest pet project, the Kindle e-reader, the New York Times reporter has blogged "In Defense of Kindle." His main point is that the Kindle is a version 1.0 product which will improve over time. A touchscreen, for example, would improve the user interface. Hansell argues that some of Kindle's "missing" features — color, email, and ads — would make the device better, not worse. Yesterday, you saw our side-by-side comparison of the Kindle versus its nearest competitor, the book. Now it's time for you take sides in our latest Valleywag poll. Bonus points for anyone who composes a video response on YouTube in proper style.

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