Dear MySpace Diary: Why Can't Lance Just Get Over Me Already? Love, Reichen

We know better than to get between an ugly gay divorce, particularly that of singer (that's what he does, right?) Lance Bass and his fame-hungry reality TV star ex, Reichen Lehmkhul, but when they take their bickering out of the privacy of the Crunch cardio room, where most Gays have the decency to work out their personal issues, and decide to splash them across the pages of major publications and MySpace blogs, like it or not, their problems become our problems. According to Reality Blurred, the latest round began with a interview in the current GQ in which Lance blamed the break-up on Reichen's infidelities, saying, "I thought [at the time], 'Why does everyone hate him?" At the end, I was like, 'Ok, everyone was right.'" Star Magazine then reported that Bass was sent a letter in which he threatened to sue. Lehmkhul clarified the issue on his MySpace page yesterday:
No one is suing anyone, and all is well.
[M]y representation, in an act of concern, simply sent an appropriate letter to those responsible, asking that attempts to paint me in a negative light with blatant and unnecessary lies and deceit, please stop. It ends there. Nothing else is happening. [...]
My final wish, surrounding this matter, from an overall outside perspective, is that I am no longer associated with this ex-relationship or the people involved in prolonging its existence, and that I'm no longer associated with that time of my life, in general.
The post goes on like this for eight rambling paragraphs, with a distant tone that stands in sharp contrast to the days when its author felt close enough to the former boy bander to co-opt his lover's first name for an exciting media-buzzword launch campaign. Now, we imagine, to be "lanced" means something slightly different for the chiseled star of Dante's Cove—it still refers to a forcible media outing, only of one's innate prickiness, rather than sexual orientation.