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Why does Facebook seem to have more momentum now than MySpace? Some might tell you it's Facebook's vastly superior user interface. Oh, and that the site actually works most of the time. While they might not say so in public, MySpace executives agree. The News Corp.-owned social network is hiring for a redesign and it's being very upfront with candidates as to what it wants: a feature by feature Facebook match. Innovation be damned, News Corp. wants to catch the perceived leader. The same source also tells me News Corp. already knows who it wants for the job.

Word is MySpace wants Connected Ventures cofounder Zach Klein, best known for designing Vimeo and CollegeHumor Defunker. Here's a quick look at some of Klein's work.

Here's the Defunker front page:

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My guess is Klein would get the gig for his work at Vimeo:

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