Jamie Foxx Climbs Into Bed With MTV And VH1

· Jamie Foxx signs a two-year deal to produce unscripted shows for MTV and VH1, with the first product of their new union being From Gs to Gents, a series "in which a group of men are given social makeovers in a bid to turn them into gentlemen," efforts that a guest-starring Foxx will entertainingly attempt to thwart by dragging them to nightclubs, pouring alcohol down their throats, and urging them to "make it rain" upon nearby members of the opposite sex. [Variety]
· DreamWorks/Paramount is discovering that they have their work cut out for them in trying to simultaneously sell an R-rated musical about a bloodthirsty British hair stylist to the different segments of the film's built-in, but hopelessly fragmented, audience. Potentially ineffective ads telling moviegoers "You've seen him flounce around on a pirate ship, now see him dance around the world's scariest barber's chair" to follow. [THR]
· Hugh Hefner donates $2 million to USC Film School, part of which will be earmarked for an intramural search for the talent needed for his planned "Naughtiest Young Filmmakers In Southern California Colleges" issue of Playboy magazine. [Variety]
· The DGA may begin contract talks of its own with the AMPTP next month, leaving the Writers Guild to hope their colleagues don't set a bad pattern-bargaining precedent by accepting the first "you'll get .3% internet residuals and like it" proposal laid on the table. [THR]
· John C. Reilly as a vampire. Yeah, we could be into that. [Variety]