Reading-born necklace eater Simon Doonan is passive-aggressively grumbly this morning in the Observer about how all the city's media internships have been swarmed by "fancy-pants progeny" like CBS CEO Les Moonves' daughter Sara (a Vogue and former Teen Vogue intern, beside whom Doonan was seated at a recent industry event, poor man) and Evgenia Peretz, daughter of longtime New Republic editor Marty Peretz and former Vanity Fair intern, who now writes for the magazine full time. These people might not have their fancy jobs were their parents not famous, he's noticed!

There are quite a few other connected kids at media jobs, like Cate Edwards, Gus and Theo Wenner, Christina Huffington, Evan Springsteen, Max Spielberg, Meghan McCain, Jade Frampton, Liz Hanks and Chevy Chase's kid.

Doonan pines for olden times, when "many offspring were allowed to do nothing. This latter was the best option: The intern and assistant positions were left wide open to us lumpen losers from nowhere." (Last night at the Bowery Hotel he told Josh, "Why can't it be like the old days when rich kids would take over the family business?" Josh reminded him that the Observer is owned by a prodigal son who switched the family business from committing felonies to running a paper.)

Maybe this is just a thinly-veiled admonition to the city's event planners: Please seat Simon at the grownups' table next time!