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Does Al Gore's accountant choose the site of his magazine photo shoots? As we noted, Gore should be making much more use of his San Francisco condo now that he's a partner at Kleiner Perkins. But the Fortune article which broke the news of his hire lensed him in his Nashville, Tennessee home. Granted, I'm sure the Nashville manse is more filled with greenery than the St. Regis highrise, making it a better backdrop for Gore's new career as an environmental profiteer. That's not the only reason it's good for his image, though.

Tennessee has no state income tax on wages, while California's levy tops out at 9.3 percent. To minimize his tax bill, Gore has every interest in minimizing the appearance that he's spending a lot of time in California. I'm sure that we'll be hearing lots of convenient reports about Gore videconferencing his way through weekly partner meetings. (Photo by Sarah A. Friedman/Fortune)