From an attendee of today's Guild siege of Fox Plaza: "I was at the WGA rally. Assistants from CAA were out in full force with trays offering the writers pastries." While it's certainly generous of CAA to taks some time away from its regularly scheduled evildoing plans to service its striking clients, it's not like the agency might not benefit from the short trip across Century City. For example, if in the course of distributing those delicious pastries, some of the writers became distracted long enough for their infants to escape their momentarily unattended strollers or wriggle free of their baby-bjorns, somehow finding their way into the burlap sacks and butterlfy nets carried by other Creative Artists assistants, well, that's just a happy little side effect of supporting the cause. UPDATE: We're now told that William Morris was on the scene with coffee and bagels and UTA with Power Bars; with such a high concentration of agents bearing gifts for hungry strikers in that crowd, it's a miracle that any parents whatsoever left the rally with their young families intact.