At the "Stand Up For Heroes" benefit Wednesday night, a New York Comedy Festival charity event produced with journo hero Bob Woodruff to benefit injured American troops, Bruce Springsteen told a knock-knock joke and then auctioned off a Harley. It went for a lot of money! But to whom? The gossips disagree!

Page Six reports that Robin Williams' wife Marsha "scored big" and beat out ABC's Chris Cuomo to win the bike. But Rush & Molloy say Cuomo won it! And the AP just reports that "the motorcycle went for $85,000."

And the auction site itself isn't really any help either, except for the odd conflicting feelings sparked by the information that someone is bidding $5,500 for free tickets to see a taping of The Colbert Report that won't ever happen due to the strike. But for a good cause!

So if you know whether it's GMA anchor and political scion Chris Cuomo or Robin Williams' presumably saintly wife tooling around on Bruce Springsteen's Big Boy, please let us know, so we can appropriately mock whichever column got it wrong.

Update: Ah ha! And the answer is Marsha Williams, for $85,000!

Heroes Night a Laugh Riot [NYP]
Bruce Springsteen, comedians raise money for injured vets [NYDN]

Photo: WireImage via Jossip