Yesterday, we discovered Lou Reed is not a nice man. But that's something you've known all along! Former Village Voice nightlife correspondent Tricia Romano and others share their Lou Reed stories.

  • "Mr. Reed did a Honda scooter ad in the '80s." And: "I've seen Mr. Reed and Ms. Anderson at brunch — he snarls at her and behaves like a grouchy old ass, while she flutters around and tries to laugh it off." [City_Dater]
  • "Lou Reed is a sorry excuse for a human being. He was the single meanest person I ever dealt with for FLY LIFE. I watched him yell at the staff photographer hired by the Anthology Film Archives while he read an intro to the film being shown. The guy snapped maybe five shots, one or two which used flash because the theatre was so dark, and Reed went ballistic." [Tricia Romano]
  • "Here's my Lou Reed Moment: BITD, I saw a sneak preview of 'Analyze This' at Union Square. I left the theatre behind Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson; they lived nearby, and as Reed was fumbling with the keys to his apartment he grumpily intoned, 'Well, THAT was a waste of time.' He was kinda right, but that's besides the point - I was just kinda tickled by the idea that Reed and Anderson would spend their Saturday night at a Billy Crystal movie." [WendyKRoy]
  • But also, this: "Lou used to be a client of mine, and I have to say, I was shocked by his kindness. He walked in, held his hand out, introduced himself (duh...) and said so happy to finally meet you. I was a little flabbered by that. His BFF Schnabel was equally gracious. Here's the kicker: Lou was a bumbling old fool who had to be told he was going down a flight of stairs. Schnabel was the one loudly pronouncing 'Lou, it's a flight of stairs, we're going down them.' 'Ohhh, ok Julian.' Like a doddering old married couple I'd say." [Maevemealone]

Wow, he sounds just like former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton!