In an effort to document for posterity how some of the striking writers tasked with pacing the sidewalks outside of Hollywood's temporarily stalled dream-fabricating factories spent this third, historic day of picketing, we dispatched Defamer videographer Molly McAleer to the Paramount lot, hoping that her bribes of tasty donuts (the beer we offered was less well-received; we suppose the drinking has to wait until happy hour at Lucy's across the street) would encourage some of the protesting scribes to open up for the camera.

As luck would have it, Molly arrived just as the the script we mentioned earlier was tossed picketer-ward by a passing motorist looking to break into the business, providing them with the dramatic material they used for the first-ever performance of the newly created Bronson Gate Players, a curbside tour-de-force none in attendance will soon forget. In addition to being treated to the unexpected read-through, Molly chatted with People Vs, Larry Flynt and Man on the Moon screenwriter Larry Karaszewski, WGA-supporting actresses Valerie Harper and Frances Fisher, and experienced a drive-on by premium cable's favorite fast-talking agent, Jeremy Piven. Enjoy.