Today In Drizzt Do'Urden: "I Loved You And Lost You Because I Was A Fool"

Dungeons and Dragons-themed fantasy tome 'The Orc King' is a New York Times bestseller, which means some people at some stores bought many copies. Why'd they do that? Maybe it's because orcs fall in love just like Patrick Moberg and the rest of us. In today's book club selection, orc king Drizzt Do'Urden's lady, the human fighter from the Icewind Dale Catti-Brie, reconciles with her once-paramour, the barbarian Wulfgar. Cue mood music!
Wulfgar shook his head emphatically, silencing her. "I loved you," he said. "I loved you and lost you because I was a fool. It will always be the great regret of my life, the way I treated you before we were to be wed. I accept that we cannot go back, for even if you were able and willing, I know that I am not the same man. My time with Errtu left marks deep in my soul, scars I mean to rease in the winds of the Icewind Dale, running beside my tribe, the Tribe of the Elk. I am content. I am at peace. And I have never been more certain of my road.
Catti-brie shook her head with every word, in helpless and futile denial, and her blue eyes grew wet with tears. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. The five companions of the Hall were together again, and they were supposed to stay that way for all of their days.
"You say that you support me, and so I ask you to now," said Wulfgar. "Trust in my judgment, in that I know what course I must follow. I take with me my love for you and for Drizzt and for Bruenor and for Regis. Taht is ever in the heart of Wulfgar. I will never let the image of you and the others fade from my thoughts, and never let thelessons I have learned from all of you escape me as I walk my road."
"Your road so far away."
Wulfgar nodded. "In the winds of Icewind Dale."
Previously: "Are You So Sure That Ogre-Spawn Can Be Bent To Your Will?