Fake Steve meets a Real Guy
Guy Kawasaki does an FSJ Q&A in Mountain View, semantic search gets a little sexy in Palo Alto, and you get a chance to control the government, all in today's Valleywag Calendar.
- Tonight, in Mountain View, Forbes writer Dan Lyons meets with former Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki for a Q&A session hosted by LinkedIn. Will there be mud wrestling? We can only hope. [Upcoming]
- A panel on semantic search is taking place at Pillsbury Winthrop in Palo Alto. Former Powerset CEO Barney Pell is scheduled to speak. Take the chance to ask him about the rumored reasons he's no longer CEO of the hyped-up search engine. [VC Task Force]
- Hey, it's election day! The only big contest around here is for Mayor of San Francisco, which is going to be Gavin Newsom again. (Since when does one elect a God-Mayor? - Ed.) Still, though, go out and vote. It's your civic duty!
Got a to-do that's a must-do? Send it to calendar@valleywag.com. Check out more events on our Google Calendar: