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As noted by a number of commenters on today's previous ChantWatch posts on the reportedly lackluster performance of WGA strikers at Paramount and CBS Television City, the act of shouting slogans at passing cars to elicit honks of approval is inherently silly, and one that runs counter to many writers' introverted, self-conscious natures. Still, we received a couple of subsequent reports of picket teams who did their best to break up the inevitable boredom of endlessly pacing the same stretch of sidewalk with some more enthusiastic or creative chants: "Lots of chanting at gates 2/3 [at Warner Bros] this morning, a mix of the traditional (ON STRIKE! SHUT 'EM DOWN! HOLLYWOOD'S A UNION TOWN!) and the erm, [modern] (singing the chorus to Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It").Best one (if a little precious) 'EXTERIOR. STREET. WRITERS ARE STRIKING.'" And from a picketer at Prospect Studios: "Our chanting was so loud and nonstop, we think Grey's Anatomy had to stop filming this afternoon."