We never expected the strike to yield its first casualty so quickly, but according to local news station KABC 7, a picketer was struck earlier this morning by a driver we'll have to assume wasn't particularly sympathetic to the Writers Guild cause. ("The guy basically said, 'Get the 'F' out of the way, and then hit the gas and just plowed into this guy," said an eyewitness to the incident.) The above footage from KABC's segment doesn't contain video of the incident, but does have a fairly unsettling image of the victim's sneaker lodged beneath the tire of the vehicular strike-breaking weapon. Beware, WGA members: it seems that not everyone is following the nonconfrontational approach to dealing with picketers urged by some of the Companies.

While the ABC story didn't have these details, the LAT identifies the victim as a writer for Talkshow with Spike Feresten and the scene of the accident as Sunset Gower Studios:

Just minutes into the strike, the labor unrest has turned violent at one picket line: A writer for "Talkshow With Spike Feresten" was struck by a sedan trying to cross the picket line at Sunset-Gower Studios early this morning, witnesses said.

The writer, identified as Tom Johnson, suffered a leg injury and was taken away in a wheelchair by paramedics. The incident occurred shortly after 9:30 a.m. at the studios off Sunset Boulevard when a driver in a Black Honda Element drove up to the employee parking lot on Gower Street, where pickets were marching. According to witnesses, the driver got out of the vehicle and began threatening to run over anyone who didn't get out of his way. Witnesses said he then got back in the car and drove forward, hitting Johnson.

The striking writers descended on the vehicle and took away the driver's keys. Johnson's black tennis shoe was still lodged under the front passenger tire as he was taken away.
The driver, who witnesses said worked for Raleigh, was escorted from the scene by studio employees. Police had been notified, according to those at the scene.